Saturday, May 10, 2008

Living And Aging With Grace

Nutritious food sources are the cornerstone to aging gracefully. Eat well and you will age well. Eat properly balanced healthy food and you will have extremely positive results with how you look and feel. Positivity, vitality, mental alertness and lust for life all charecterize a youthful body. Who doesn't want healthy glowing skin, radiant eyes, the ability to shrug off the up's and downs of everyday life? The only way to reach such body perfection is by fueling our body with the highest grade food sources available.

Put junk in your car and eventually it will cease and spurt every time you start it. The same with our bodies. The coughs and spurts appear as acne, dry skin, baggy eyes, weakened immune systems, obesity, stress, tiredness, anxiety, inertia. The negative list goes on forever. Judging foods according to their ORAC values is a scientific and practical guide to consuming a healthier diet. The health benefits will emerge almost instantaneously. Tiredness will subside, skin will start to clear, an increased mental alertness will develop. High ORAC foods are full of antioxidants. These protect your body and give essential nutrition to your body's cells.

Factors That Accelerate Aging

Sun worshipping, alcohol, drugs, lack of sleep and liitle or no exercise all add to premature aging. It is actually good to take a well researched antioxidant supplement as their are many unseen elements battling our immune systems. Climate effects, UV rays, pollution, chemical crop sprays, and food additives all have detrimental effects on our immune systems.

Adding extras like Green Tea, Acai, Mangosteen, Goji & Noni Juice to your diet will boost your antioxidant intake. Acai, Mangosteen, Goji & Noni Juice are considered as superfruits with many health benefits.

Aging With Grace

According to research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, high ORAC food sources reduce the aging process. These findings suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables may help slow the processes associated with aging in both the body and the brain. The National Institute on Aging have stated that " A diet rich in naturally-derived antioxidants showed fewer age-related motor changes and outperformed their study counterparts on memory tests."

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