Saturday, May 10, 2008

Good Diet For Healthy Living

Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is the most admired of the best diets. This diet helps eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. The system really works, and you can nibble as much as fats and proteins that you want.

South Beach Diet

This power is one of the most successful to lose weight. This is not a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet. Instead, it focuses on the consumption of the right amount of fat and carbohydrates. The diet depends on the glycemic index. It limits the intake of carbohydrates in the first two weeks, then reintroduces carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. You need to eat three meals a day, as well as some snacks, as long as they are healthy enough.

Cabbage soup diet

It is also one of the best effective diets. The diet contains small amounts of calories. You will instantly loss weight, if you stick with the regime cabbage soup for a week, you can lose more weight.

Grapefruit Diet

This is the best plan for weight loss in obese people. The advantages of this diet come from the addition of grapefruit to a low-calorie and low-fat regime.

Diet Slim Fast

This diet restores your breakfast, lunch and dinner, with two Slim Fast shakes, and puts forward for a meal usual for dinner. These low calorie shakes will help you lose weight.

Other diets Superior:

Subway Diet

It is also well known for feeding best diets. The low-fat Subway sandwiches will help you lose weight.

The Beverly Hills Diet

This diet reaps the benefits of the natural chemical reaction when the food we eat to lose weight. The diet is very restrictive, but motivates rapid weight loss.

3-Day Diet

The diet may be ideal to lose weight, if you can follow a three-day meal plan strictly.

Vinegar Dietapple cider

It is a sensitive diet. Therefore, you should carefully follow. It is a diet low in calories, which stimulates the rapid weight loss.

Negative Calories

Eat more healthy vegetables to your diet as much as possible as it will reduce negative calories.

Living And Aging With Grace

Nutritious food sources are the cornerstone to aging gracefully. Eat well and you will age well. Eat properly balanced healthy food and you will have extremely positive results with how you look and feel. Positivity, vitality, mental alertness and lust for life all charecterize a youthful body. Who doesn't want healthy glowing skin, radiant eyes, the ability to shrug off the up's and downs of everyday life? The only way to reach such body perfection is by fueling our body with the highest grade food sources available.

Put junk in your car and eventually it will cease and spurt every time you start it. The same with our bodies. The coughs and spurts appear as acne, dry skin, baggy eyes, weakened immune systems, obesity, stress, tiredness, anxiety, inertia. The negative list goes on forever. Judging foods according to their ORAC values is a scientific and practical guide to consuming a healthier diet. The health benefits will emerge almost instantaneously. Tiredness will subside, skin will start to clear, an increased mental alertness will develop. High ORAC foods are full of antioxidants. These protect your body and give essential nutrition to your body's cells.

Factors That Accelerate Aging

Sun worshipping, alcohol, drugs, lack of sleep and liitle or no exercise all add to premature aging. It is actually good to take a well researched antioxidant supplement as their are many unseen elements battling our immune systems. Climate effects, UV rays, pollution, chemical crop sprays, and food additives all have detrimental effects on our immune systems.

Adding extras like Green Tea, Acai, Mangosteen, Goji & Noni Juice to your diet will boost your antioxidant intake. Acai, Mangosteen, Goji & Noni Juice are considered as superfruits with many health benefits.

Aging With Grace

According to research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, high ORAC food sources reduce the aging process. These findings suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables may help slow the processes associated with aging in both the body and the brain. The National Institute on Aging have stated that " A diet rich in naturally-derived antioxidants showed fewer age-related motor changes and outperformed their study counterparts on memory tests."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Crucial Healthy Components And Balanced Living

In Ayurveda, there are four crucial components to healthy and balanced living: eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and daily meditation.

For Ayurvedic healers, it is not just what you eat, but it's also how your body reacts to what you eat that is important. However, many people have become overweight because they have become "imbalanced" when it comes to their approach to food. Eating the right kind and the appropriate quantity of food is so important in Ayurvedic healing. One proverb states that "food is divine". How divine? Food even enjoys a higher status in Ayurveda than all other herbs and medicines!

As long as we continue to eat inappropriate and unhealthy foods or continue to have unpredictable eating routines and habits, our bodies will suffer serious consequences. We damage our energy level, mental well-being and emotional state by eating junk and chemical-laden food. These all seriously damage our general health and well-being and even cause irreversible damage to our organs, thereby shortening our life-span tremendously.

Ayurvedic practitioners, unlike many Western diet gurus, do not have a "one-size-fits-all" approach to eating and nutrition. We all have unique dietary needs and we all have to create a diet that fits us over time. However, Ayurveda suggests some general guidelines for healthy food choices and you can use the guidelines that work best for you. Remember to listen to your body carefully because it will guide you to the foods that can enhance your physical, mental and emotional balance. It is highly recommended that you eat raw, fresh, natural whole foods.

It is also encouraged that you follow an eating routine and treat eating times as sacred. Try not to take short meals or eat while working. Prepare and cook food with care and look for a place where you can eat in a pleasant atmosphere. When you take the time to eat, you give food the chance to turn into ojas - the substance that Ayurveda calls the essence of life and the best product of the eating and digesting process.

Another basic for good health and longevity is enough sleep. According to Ayurveda, sleep is important so our minds and bodies get to recharge. Lack of sleep hampers digestion, clouds the mental state and burdens many organs. Sleep deprivation is linked to high blood pressure and depression, among other things. Interestingly enough, Ayurveda does not think eight hours of sleep is for everyone. Because you are unique, you need to know your own sleep quota that is adequate and makes you function well. The quality of sleep is also important. Ayurveda says the best kind of sleep happens then when the mind is completely separate from all other senses. It is suggested that early sleep is more productive, try to go to bed early (before 10 pm). It is important to wake up early too, preferably before 6 am. Aromatherapy, a cup of herbal tea, deep breathing exercises and a bedtime massage can all help you enjoy a deeper slumber.

The third basic component of a healthy life is an adequate level of physical and mental activity. Along with diet and sleep, Ayurvedic healers say we need an exercise program that caters to our needs. For example, if you are trying to balance a Kapha dosha, go for more vigorous exercise like aerobics or tennis. If you are a Pitta, swimming is a good option. Walking and yoga are good for everyone because they are convenient and practical. They can also be done everyday alone or with a partner. It s recommended that you exercise early in the morning to sustain energy levels during the day and to sleep easier at night. Never exercise on an empty stomach or after a meal. Never continue the exercise if you feel pain or exhaustion. As with all other elements, moderation in exercise is crucial to physical and mental balance.

Finally, Ayurveda encourages daily meditation to recharge all the senses. Taking thirty minutes a day to meditate enhances the ability to manage stress. It also promotes mental focus and emotional equilibrium. Meditation also helps you get good sleep and reduces hypertension. Many tapes and books are available to get you started on this key Ayurvedic practice.

Easy Ways To Lose Weight For Healthy Living

Are you one of those type of people that find themselves always running from here to there?

And you want to lose weight and live healthier?

There is hope for you and others, that just can't find the time to eat healthy and get the exercise they need.

Eating on the go:

First, break the urge to go with friends to the fast food places where you work. If you must go since I'm sure your friends will insist, then order a salad if possible or fruit instead of those french fries or potatoes. Bring zip lock baggies of fruit and/or vegetables to work with you on your breaks. Wheat bars instead of those candy bars.

There are many different ways to substitute junk food for the healthy food when you are on the go. Use your imagination and try some different types of fruits and vegetables, you might surprise yourself and actually like them.

Exercising on the go:

If you work in an upstairs office consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

During your breaks at work, try walking around instead of just sitting in the break room. On the rainy days where it's not possible to go outside and walk, trying to walk up and down the stairs or around your office more.

If you aren't able to any of this while at the office, then consider when you get home, don't plop down in front of the TV, instead sit on the floor with your kids (if you have them) and do some sit ups while watching TV. Run in place for a few minutes, do some leg crunches all while still enjoying your favorite TV program.

There are always ways to keep healthy while on the go, just take the first step in changing the way you do things, think about what you are doing and ask yourself if you can do it differently as to help with eating and exercising.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Organic Remedies For Healthy Living And Fitness

Organic remedies used throughout the centuries to eliminated wrinkles are currently explored today. Organic soaps, oils, vitamins, supplements, etc are used to slow the aging process by keeping the skin smooth and healthy.

MSM is a product that works to prevent wrinkles. MSM can be used in either lotion form or as an internal organic supplement. Any type of remedy that has proof of removing wrinkles likely has some organic basis.

Primrose organic Oil has essential Fatties Acids and Linolic Acid that has proven healthy for skin. This formula will help to reduce wrinkles or aging by restoring the skin's macrobiotic texture.

Vitamin A is another organic source of development for new skin tissue and controlling wrinkles. Vitamin A has to be taken daily in order for the macrobiotic ingredients to take effect.

Vitamin B Complex is another anti-aging organic stress, relieving vitamin. You should take this vitamin daily to achieve the fullest benefits. Calcium is great for preventing bone and joint deterioration. Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc will strengthen skis and helps trim down wrinkles.

Collagen is an organic supplement designed to slow wrinkles and by minimizing existing or established living quarters.

Copper supports Collagen, which is an organic wrinkle reduction solution. Natural antioxidants include Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, DMAE, Ester and Tocotrienol, which are great macrobiotic solutions for reducing aging symptoms. It is not set that these organic aids will terminate the aging process all together, but proof shows that the helpers work to a large degree.

Wrinkles are a process of aging. This is because contaminations such as overexposure of sun, smoke, drinking heavily, and other unhealthy activities affect your skin. By using organic aids, such as Alfalfa, Borage and Burdock herbals however, you can slow this aging progress despite your skin was contaminated often by such unhealthy elements.

Injuries and bruises may cause wrinkles to develop prematurely. Injuries such as bone damage, burns, joint damage, bruises, scaring could all cause wrinkles.

Aloe Vera is an organic aid that can assist with soothing, healing, moisturizing, and reducing aging processes, including wrinkles, by keeping them under control.

Dry skin causes irritation. Dry skin causes the skin to wrinkle, speeding up the aging process.

Using organic aids, such as Comfrey regularly could hydrate your dry skin to prevent or slow aging processes. Your skin must be properly insulated otherwise it causes dry and flaking skin to develop. This is because dust particles coming from the air will inject into your skin pores.

Carpets and other fabricated materials should be cleaned often to reduce dust mites, microns, and other harmful particles to harm your skin. Vitamins that offer you a wide array of organic herbals can help to prevent aging, or wrinkles. Your body requires a degree of organic vitamins to enhance your skin, bodily organs, hair, nails, and health growth. Vitamins can slow aging by reducing symptoms that emerge from non-organic aging processes.

Baby oil will improve your skin. Oils with macrobiotic ingredients will prevent stretch marks, wrinkling and so on.

Healthy Environment With Right Diet And Proper Physical Fitness

Maintaining a healthy body goes beyond physical fitness or the right diet, it also requires that you live in a healthy environment. Our surroundings have a direct influence on the way we feel, how we function and our general health.

Where you live, work and play can all affect you physically and emotionally. A smoggy commute to work followed by a day in a noisy office and an evening in a smoky bar can all work together to have a negative impact on your body.

Remember, you are what you breathe and the toxic fumes from sitting in traffic can nearly triple your risk for a heart attack. In fact, when cities reduce their pollution rates, the rate of cardiovascular illnesses also declines.

Indoor air has its hazards too. Prolonged exposure to mold, dust and cigarette smoke can aggravate asthma or allergies and expose your lungs to a toxic level of air pollution. To live a long and healthy life, you need to live in a healthy environment. Here are 6 tips you can use to improve your air quality:

Get a HEPA filter.

HEPA filters are air systems designed to filter out extremely small dust particles that can worsen allergy and asthma symptoms. Choose a HEPA filter that's large enough to handle the size of your room, you can also purchase household HEPA systems designed to filter an entire house or workplace.

Stop smoking.

You know why smoking is bad for you - increased rate of heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke, but it also makes you look older too. Yellowing skin, lip wrinkles and crow's feet are all smoking symptoms.

Declare war on dust.

Tear up your carpets, clear your clutter and start staying on top of dusting. Use a damp mop on wood or laminate floors as you battle dust bunnies.

Hire a mold inspector.

Have your house inspected for toxic molds, like Stachybotrys chartarum - a particularly nasty mold that can grow anywhere there is moisture and air.

Stay out of traffic.

If you can avoid spending long hours sitting in traffic, do so. Try to consolidate your errands to one trip done at a less-busy time of day. If you can work from home, do so.

Fix your leaks.

Water leaks can be a major cause of mold infestations. Leaking water gets, accumulating moisture and creating a breeding ground for toxic molds. Also, check your home's waterproofing and drainage on a regular basis.